Niisutav ja nahka pinguldav seerum 5% punavetika ja roosiraku ekstraktiga.
Toote koostis on muutunud, tootes on uus aaloe vera ekstrakt. 

• mereveega rikastatud punavetikas varustab nahka toitvate mineraalid ja niisutusega 24 tunniks.

• loodud parandama naha üldist niiskustaset, hoides epidermises vett

• roosiraku ekstrakt stimuleerib lipiidide tasakaalu, mille tulemuseks on tugev kaitsebarjäär + elastsem nahk.

• säilitatud probiootilise tehnoloogiaga, mis on aitab tasakaalustada näonaha loomulikku pH-d.

• kuivale nahale.

• säilib 12 kuud, pärast avamist kasutada 4 kuu jooksul.

• kogus: 30ml

• looduslikud koostisosad võivad luua hägusust koostisesse. 




Aqua, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Water*, Lactobacillus Ferment**, Pentylene Glycol*, Glycerin*, Kappaphycus Alvarezii Extract*, Sea Water *, Rosa Centifolia Leaf Cell Extract*, Sodium Levulinate*, Cyamopsis Tetragonolob (Guar) Gum*, Sodium Anisate*,Benzyl Alcohol*, Potassium Sorbate*, Sodium Benzoate*, Lactic Acid

**probiootiline tehnoloogia



Igapäevaseks kasutamiseks, hommukul ja/või õhtul enne õli-baasil tooteid. Soovitame kasutada kuurina.


Üks pipetitäis.


Kanna ühtlaselt puhtale näole ja kaelale ning lase paar minutit nahka imenduda. Soovitus: kerge ja õrn asendus öökreemile.





Ilma lisatud lõhna/eeterliku õlita.


3 arvustust tootele DEEP SEA SERUM

  1. Jitka (toote omanik)

    I use the serum regularly, usually in the morning and evening, after cleaning and some minutes before applying rich cream and it´s helping to keep my skin well hydrated together with the cream. Even my sensitive skin (atopic eczema) tolerate it very well. I also appreciate a lot that by mukk cosmetic has just subtle smell, some other products I tried in past (especially the ones coming from US/Canada had very strong smell and even though it was pleasant one, it was too strong for me).

  2. Anni (toote omanik)

    I really like this serum. I use it twice a day. Under my day cream in the morning and on its own at night. It makes my skin feel soft and smooth. A very good quality product. And I must also add that the containers of all Mukk’s products give a really nice touch of style to my bathroom.

  3. Anna

    I use this in the evening after washing my face, it has a great hydrating effect and makes my skin soft. I also enjoy the smell of roses this product has.

Lisa arvustus

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